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Δεν μπορώ να κοιμηθώ
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speakerΔεν μπορώ ναI can't κοιμηθώsleep

headspeakerΗλίαIlias; Κοιμάσαιare you sleeping;
headspeakerΤώραnow δεν κοιμάμαιI'm not sleeping...
Ilias is saying that he's awake now.
  • Yes, that's true.
  • No, that's false.
headspeakerΔεν μπορώ ναI can't κοιμηθώsleep.
headspeakerΘέλειςdo you want έναa ποτήριglass γάλαof milk;
headspeakerΔε μ' αρέσειI don't like το γάλαmilk!
Put the words in the right order.
headspeakerΘέλειςdo you want να βάλουμεto put on μουσική(some) music;
headspeakerΌχιno! Τοthe μωρόbaby κοιμάταιis sleeping!
They can't listen to music because...
  • ... their speaker is broken.
  • ... they won't be able to sleep afterwards.
  • ... they don't want to wake up their baby.
headspeakerΑςlet's μιλήσουμεtalk γιαabout ταthe χρώματαcolors...
headspeaker... πουthat θα βάψουμεwe will paint τοthe δωμάτιοroom.
Why does Ilias suggest they talk about colors?
  • Because they are both color blind.
  • Because they are going to paint their room.
  • Because it's their favorite topic.
headspeakerΜ' αρέσειI like το γκριgrey...
headspeakerΝαιyes... γκριgray...
Choose the right option to fill the gap.
headspeakerΜ' αρέσειI like καιtoo το μπλεblue.
headspeakerΕσέναyou ποιο χρώμαwhat color σ' αρέσειdo you like;
headspeakerΣοφίαSofia; ΣοφίαSofia; Κοιμάσαιare you sleeping; Αah, τέλειαgreat! Τώραnow εγώI δεν μπορώ ναcan't κοιμηθώsleep.
What happened to Ilias?
  • He tried to help Sofia fall asleep, but now he can't sleep.
  • He woke up the baby and it started crying.
  • He painted his bedroom blue and gray.
Tap the pairs!