ВікрамVikram іand ПрітіPriti йдуть за покупкамиgo shopping..
ЩоWhat нам требаdo we need купитиto buy вin супермаркетіa supermarket??
Нам потрібніWe need молокоmilk,, рисrice,, квасоляbeans...…
ВікрамеVikram!! Дивисьlook!! ЦеIt's вінhim!!
ДеWhere?? ВінWho??
ТвійYour улюбленийfavorite баскетболістbasketball player!!Who does Priti see?
Vikram's favorite basketball player
her favorite baseball player
some people playing a game

ЦеIt's неnot вінhim!!
ТакYes,, цеit's вінhim!! ПоговориTalk зto нимhim!!
НіNo,, яI am надтоtoo нервуюсьnervous!!Choose the option that means "nervous."
, !

АлеBut ВікрамеVikram...… погляньlook!!
У васYou have однаковеthe same взуттяshoes!!
Баскетболіст дивиться на Вікрама і Пріті.
ОOh ніno,, ПрітіPriti,, він дивитьсяhe's looking наat насus!!Why is Vikram worried?
The basketball player can't see.
He can't see his shoes.
The basketball player is looking at them.

ТакYes!! Іand він йдеhe's coming сюдиhere!!Select the missing phrase

Що мені робитиWhat should I do?!?!
ПоговориTalk зto нимhim!!
ЯI маюhave to ітиgo!!
Мені подобаєтьсяI love твоєyour взуттяshoes..Why did the basketball player want to talk to Vikram?
He wants Vikram to join his team.
He wants Vikram to cook beans for him.
He and Vikram are wearing the same shoes.
Tap the pairs