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Án Þing
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speakerÁnone Þingthing

speakerLucy isis ætat hámhome, midwith hiereher nefenangranddaughter, Lin.
headspeakerAhoh, no! ÞearfI need hláfasbread farfor mínmy buterehláfsandwich.
headspeakerGǽst þuare you going to þá céapstówethe supermarket?
Lin and Lucy have a lot of bread.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAhoh, þearfI need ánneone þingthing framfrom þá céapstówethe supermarket!
headspeakerWulfpersoca tomato, biddeplease.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerIsit's forfor mínmy leahtricbollansalad.
headspeakerÞancie þéthank you!
headspeakerAhoh! Andand willeI want ealswáalso þríthree æpplaapples
Choose the option that means "also."
Ah! And
headspeaker...andand cínaæpplaorange sæpjuice
headspeaker...andand meolcmilk, biddeplease.
headspeakerMmmhmm... hæbbeI have þóhtan idea.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerEofnehere (it is)/behold þonethe feohmoney, Lin.
headspeakerIcI willewant ánneone þingthing framfrom þá céapstówethe supermarket: hláfasbread.
Why did Lucy give Lin money?
  • Lin is opening a sandwich shop.
  • She wants Lin to go to the supermarket.
  • Lin is going to a restaurant for lunch.
Tap the pairs