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lipu pi pilin insa
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speakerlipu pi pilin insathe diary

speakerjan SawiZari enand jan LiliLily li lonare at tomo pi kama sonaschool.
headspeakerjan Lili oLily, miI'm pilin ikescared a!! miI kencan alanot kama lukinfind e lipu mi pi pilin insamy diary! miI sona aladon't know e nithis: onait li lon seme(is) where?
headspeakernithis li ikeis a problem tan semewhy?
headspeakermiI sitelenwrote e ijothings pi jan Makiabout Mike lonin onait!!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerjan MakiMike... onahe li lon(is) in kulupu mi pi kama sonaour class. ni li onathis is him anu seme(yes/no)?
headspeakeronahim (yes)! miI wile ahave to kama joget e lipudiary mimy!
headspeakeraohh, sonaunderstood.
Tap what you hear
speakerona tu lithey alasalook for e lipudiary pi jan SawiZari's.
headspeakerikeI'm sorry. miI lukin aladon't see e lipudiary sinayour.
headspeakertenpo mi ale lain my whole life, tenpo suno nitoday li ike nanpa wanis the worst a!!
Choose the option that means "worst."
tenpo mi la, li a!
speakerona tuthey li lukinsee e jan MakiMike. onahe li johas e lipua book pi loje walopink
headspeakerike aoh no! jan MakiMike li johas e lipu mi pi pilin insamy diary!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakertokihello, jan Sawi oZari. nithis li lipu sinais your book anu seme(yes/no)?
headspeakeraeh, alano!
headspeakertasobut niminame sinayour li lon(is) on sinpin onaits front.
headspeakeraoh, niit li lipu mi(is) my diary. tasobut...
headspeakerale li ponadon't worry (everything is OK). miI sona aladon't know (how to) lukinread e sitelen sinayour handwriting.
Mike tells Zari not to worry because he can't…
  • …sing very well.
  • …read her handwriting.
  • …speak German.
headspeakeraoh, ponagood.
headspeakeraeh, tenpo suno kama nanpa tu lathe day after tomorrow,, sinayou wile ala wilewant (yes/no) lukinto watch e sitelen musia movie lon pokawith mime, lonat tomo pi sitelen tawathe movie theater ?
headspeakerwilewant (yes) a!!
headspeakerpona agreat. ni lain that case,, mi tawagoodbye (standard farewell when leaving)!
headspeakertawa ponagoodbye (standard farewell when staying)!
headspeakerjan Lili oLily!! nithis li tenpo suno pi pona nanpa wan a(is the) best day ever!!
Whoa! Why does Zari say today's the best day?
  • It's her birthday.
  • Mike bought her a new diary.
  • Mike asked her out.
Tap the pairs