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Nov kaput
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speakerNov kaputa new coat

speakerVikramVikram jeis uin prodavnicia store.
speakerŽenaa woman govoritalks to njemuhim...
headspeakerDobro jutrogood morning!
headspeakerDobro jutrogood morning.
headspeakerDa li raditedo you work (formal) ovdehere?
A woman asks Vikram if he works at the store.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerPerfektnoperfect! Treba miI need pomoćhelp.
Choose the option that means "help."
! .
headspeakerTreba miI need nov kaputa new coat.
headspeakerDa li vam se sviđado you like (formally) crveni kaputthe red one?
The woman asks Vikram if he…
  • …wants a new coat.
  • …likes working at the store.
  • …likes the red coat.
headspeakerIlior da li preferiratedo you prefer (formally) braon kaputthe brown coat?
headspeakerBraon kaputthe brown coat jeis udobancomfortable iand jeftincheap.
headspeakerAlibut crventhe red one jeis vrlovery leppretty.
headspeakerI elegantand elegant!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerPerfektanperfect zafor vasyou (formal)!
headspeakerOkejOK. ŽelimI want crveni kaputthe red coat!
headspeakerHvalathank you! Vi steyou (formal) are vrlovery dobrigood uat vašemyour poslujob!
What does the woman mean?
  • She thinks Vikram should get a new job.
  • She thinks Vikram is good at his job.
  • She thinks the red coat is ugly.
headspeakerGdeWhere mogucan daI platimpay?
headspeakerHmmhm... Ne znamdon't know.
headspeakerJaI ne radimdon't work ovdehere.
What happened in the story?
  • A woman gave Vikram a job at the store.
  • A woman thought Vikram worked at the store.
  • A woman helped Vikram buy a new hat.
Tap the pairs