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Li portrete
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speakerLithe portreteportrait

speakerOscarÓscar eand su amicahis friend, LucyLucy, esare inin una parcpark.
speakerOscarÓscar picteis painting una portreteportrait deof LucyLucy.
headspeakerEs bonOK, nunow tu posse videryou can look at lithe portreteportrait! Plese it teyou like it?
speakerLucyLucy videlooks at lithe portreteportrait.
Oscar shows Lucy a picture of a fish.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerPro quowhy yo haveI have blu capillesblue hair?
headspeakerBlu plese meI like blue multa lot.
Wait… why is Lucy's hair blue in the portrait?
  • Oscar loves blue.
  • Lucy dyed her hair blue yesterday.
  • Oscar ran out of other colors.
headspeakerEand pro quowhy mimy caphead esis tamso grandbig?
headspeakerYo ne saveI don't know It esit's tui capyour head.
headspeakerMimy nasenose ne esisn't tamso grandbig.
Choose the option that means "nose."
Mi .
headspeakerTu haveyou have una tre pretti nasevery pretty nose!
headspeakerYesyes, mi nase plese meI like my nose, mabut itit ne esisn't quamlike tithe one inin lithe portreteportrait.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerVole tuyou want lithe portreteportrait oor nenot?
headspeakerPardonI'm sorry, mabut nono, yo ne voleI don't want itit.
What's next?
speakerUna mannman preterpassawalks by eand videlooks at lithe portreteportrait.
  • lithe portreteportrait
  • mimy nasenose
  • tamso grandbig
headspeakerIt plese meI like it multa lot! Yo va dar teI will give you centone hundred dóllaresdollars porfor lithe portreteportrait.
speakerLucyLucy prendetakes lithe portreteportrait.
headspeakerIt esit's mimy portreteportrait eand it custait costs ducenttwo hundred dóllaresdollars.
Lucy decided to…
  • …give the painting away for free.
  • …buy the painting for 200 dollars.
  • …sell the painting for money.
Tap the pairs