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speakerJunior beradais diat kolam renangswimming pool bersamawith ayahdadnyahis, Edi.
speakerJunior berlariruns keto penjaga kolampool guard.
Choose the option that means "runs."
headspeakerTolonghelp! Penjagalifeguard!
headspeakerAyahdad sayamy butuhneeds bantuanhelp!
headspeakerAyahdadmuyour tenggelamdrown?
headspeakerTidakno, masalahnyathe problem di(is with) baju renangswimsuitnyahis.
Did you catch that? The problem is…
  • …the lifeguard is drowning.
  • …Edi can't swim.
  • …Edi's swimsuit.
headspeakerSayaI tidakdon't pahamunderstand
headspeakerBaju renanghis new baruswimsuitnyais terlalutoo kecilsmall.
headspeakerTerlihat(it) looks burukbad sekalivery,, tapibut ayahdad sayamy tidakdon't mauwant (to) mendengarkanlisten (to) sayame!
headspeakerMaafsorry, Dik(kid), tapibut penjaga kolampool guards hanyaonly menolonghelp saatduring keadaansituation daruratemergency.
headspeakerTapibut inithis (is) daruratemergency! Tuhthere, lihatlook!
Tap what you hear
speakerPenjaga kolampool guard melihatlooks at Edi.
headspeakerAstagaoh my!
What comes next?
headspeakerBaju renangswimsuit ituthat terlalutoo kecilsmall!
  • birublue
  • mahalexpensive
  • kecilsmall
speakerPenjaga kolampool guard memanggilcalls Edi.
headspeakerPaksir! Sebentarwait!
speakerPenjaga kolampool guard berlariruns menujutowards Edi membawacarrying handuktowel merahred.
The lifeguard runs toward Edi with…
  • …Junior's ice cream.
  • …a red towel.
  • …a bottle of sunscreen.
headspeakerAda apawhat is it?!
headspeakerPaksir, Bapak(you) harushave to memakaiput on handuktowel inithis. Inithis (is) daruratemergency.
Whew! What's the emergency?
  • Junior forgot to bring a towel.
  • Edi's swimsuit is too small.
  • Edi doesn't know how to swim.
Tap the pairs