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speakerZariZari dagives una dongift ato LilyLily.
headspeakerQuowhat it esis it?
headspeakerAperte itopen it!
Tap what you hear
speakerLilyLily aperteopens lithe dongift.
headspeakerIt esit's una camiseshirt.
headspeakerQuamhow bellpretty!
headspeakerIt esit's rubired.
headspeakerYesyes, it esit's mimy color favoritfavorite color.
headEand it haveit has una catcat (on it).
headspeakerYo amaI love catescats!
headspeakerEand lithe catcat esis inin una autocar
headspeakerYesyes, itit's esvery trefunny amusant!
What's so funny?
  • A red cat is wearing Zari's shirt.
  • There's a picture of a cat inside a car on the shirt.
  • Zari just saw a cute dog inside a car.
headspeakerIt esit's li perfectthe perfect don de anniversariebirthday gift.
headspeakerZariZari, it ne esit's not mimy anniversariebirthday.
headspeakerYoI saveknow Hodietoday esis mimy anniversariebirthday.
Choose the option that means "know."
Hodie anniversarie.
headspeakerTu sempreyou always obliviaforget mimy anniversariebirthday.
Lily always forgets…
  • …to brush her teeth.
  • …Zari's birthday.
  • …her wallet at home.
headNunow tu posseyou can dar megive me ti-cithis camiseshirt!
headspeakerBonOK Mersíthanks?
headspeakerNono, nono, mersíthanks ato teyou.
Why did Zari give Lily the shirt?
  • Today is Lily's birthday.
  • Lily has a cat that rides a motorcycle.
  • She wanted Lily to give it back to her.
Tap the pairs