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wile pi jan Junjo
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speakerwile pi jan JunjoJunior's decision

speakertomo sona pi jan Junjoat Junior's school la(context) tenpo moku li lonit's lunch time.
headspeakertokigood morning, jan PeleMrs. Pérez o(vocative)! mi wile moku muteI'm very hungry!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakertokihello, jan JunjoJunior o(vocative). tenpo suno nitoday la(context) waso li lon mokuwe have chicken.
headspeakerlon pokawith wasothe chicken la…
headspeaker sina(context) kenyou mokucan eeat kasi lipu(object) anusalad kili pan selior.fries
Junior can get either salad or fries with the chicken.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
Tap what you hear
headspeakermiI wilewant e(object) kili selifries eand (objcet) kasisalad!
headspeakersinayou kencan mokueat e(object) ijo wanone thing tasoonly, jan JunjoJunior o(vocative).
headspeakerponawell, kili selifries li pona a(are) great tawa mifrom my perspective
headspeaker tenpo suno nitoday li suli muteis a very long day ...
headspeaker tasobut kasisalad li pona tawa sijelois healthy.
Choose the option that means "healthy."
headspeakerjan JunjoJunior o(vocative)?
headspeakerkili selifries anuor kasisalad? aahmm
headspeakerpiniOK la miI wilewant e(object) kili selifries alano! kasisalad! alano!
headspeakeraoh! miI sona aladon't know!
Poor Junior! What problem does he have?
  • He ate too many fries.
  • He wants ice cream in his salad.
  • He can't choose between a salad and fries.
headspeakerjan JunjoJunior o(vocative)!
headspeakeraoh! seme li lonwhat is it, jan PeleMrs. Pérez o(object)?
headspeakero jo e nihere you go! kili selifries enand kasisalad li tawafor sinayou
What did Mrs. Pérez tell Junior to do?
  • Go somewhere else to eat.
  • Take both the fries and the salad.
  • Imagine that fries are salad.
Tap the pairs