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lipu tawa wan pi ma Paselona
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speakerlipu tawaticket wanone pi ma PaselonaBarcelona

speakerjan JunjoJunior liis lonat tomo pi ilo tawa konthe airport.
speakeronahe li tokispeaks tawato melithe woman lon supa esunat the counter.
headspeakermiI ken ala kencan (question) panagive e ponaassistance?
headspeakermiI wilewant e lipu tawaticket wanone pi ma PaselonaBarcelona.
Junior wants to travel to Madrid.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakermama sinayour parents li lon semewhere?
headspeakerseme aexcuse me? miI lili ala(am) not young. nanpa mimy age li sama alanot like luka tuseven.
headspeakersinayou suliold pi nanpa semewhat age?
headspeakernanpa mimy age li luka tu wan(is) eight.
headspeakerlipu tawaticket pi ma PaselonaBarcelona li wilerequires e manimoney ale aletwo hundred.
Choose the option that means "ticket."
pi li wile e .
headspeakerponaOK. manimoney luka luka tu wanthirteen la(context) miI kencan tawago ma semewhere?
speakerjan EsiEddy li mama pi jan JunjoJunior's dad, li kamacomes tawato supathe counter kepeken wawafast.
headspeakerjan JunjoJunior o(vocative)! sinayou lon nihere! sinayou lonat tomo nithe airport tan semewhy?
headspeakertenpo suno nitoday la(context) lipu pi sona nanpamath exam li wileasks e sonaknowledge tanfrom mime. nithis la(context) miI wileneed wekato get out tanfrom ma suli nithe country.
Ah ha! Why does Junior want to leave the country?
  • He wants to see the world.
  • He has a math test today.
  • He misses his friends.
headspeakeraOK lipu tawaticket li wileneeds e mani pi mute semehow much (money)?
headspeakerale alemoney.two hundred
headspeakerliputicket tutwo li wileneed e mani pi mute semehow much (money)?
headspeakerale ale ale alefour hundred.
headspeakerpona avery good! sona nanpa sinayour math knowledge li sulibig!
headspeakersinayou ken sitelencan write e nithis tawafor lipu sona sinayour exam.
Eddy tricked Junior to show him that…
  • …he is ready for his math test.
  • …they should travel more.
  • …the tickets are very cheap.
Tap the pairs