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De ce ai nevoie?
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speakerDe ce ai nevoiewhat do you need?

speakerOscarOscar se aflăis într-unin a magazin de îmbrăcăminteclothing store.
speakerElhe o vedesees pe ZariZari, studenta luihis student. Eashe lucreazăworks laat magazinthe store.
Oscar sees Zari working in a store.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerZariZari! bucur te vădI am happy to see you!
headspeakerBunăgood dimineațamorning!
headspeakerAi nevoiedo you need de ajutorhelp?
Zari asks Oscar if he…
  • …wants her job.
  • …knows what time it is.
  • …needs help.
headspeakerDayes, mersithanks! Am nevoie deI need
headspeakerAoh, știuI know! Ai nevoieyou need de oa new nouăjacket jachetă!
Choose the option that means "know."
A, ! de !
speakerZariZari iatakes oa jachetăjacket.
headspeakerNuno, ZariZari, nu am nevoie deI don't need oa jachetăjacket.
headspeakerAaoh! Îți trebuieyou need oa nouănew cămașăshirt!
Zari thinks Oscar needs a new…
  • …house.
  • …hat.
  • …shirt.
headspeakerCea verdethe green (one) esteis perfectăperfect!
headspeakerNuno, ZariZari, te rogplease
headspeakerNu am nevoie deI don't need oa cămașăshirt. Nici denor oa jachetăjacket. Am nevoie deIneed
headspeakerOa pălăriehat! Îți trebuieyou need oa palariehat!
headspeakerNuno! Nu am nevoie deI don't need haineclothes!
headspeakerTrebuieI știuneedto know
headspeakerUndewhere is ethe baiabathroom?
Why did Oscar go into the clothing store?
  • He needed to find a restroom.
  • He wanted to buy pants, a shirt, and a jacket.
  • He wanted to buy a new jacket for Zari.
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