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El vegetarià
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Elthe vegetariàvegetarian

VikramVikram llegeixreads elthe menúmenu enin una restaurant molt macovery pretty restaurant.
headspeakerBon diagood morning!
headspeakerTincI have unaa preguntaquestion.
headspeakerSocI am vegetariàa vegetarian.
headspeakerTeniudo you have menjar vegetariàvegetarian food?
Vikram wants to know if they serve vegetarian food.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakeryes, femwe make unssome entrepans de carn molt bonsvery good meat sandwiches.
headspeakerEntrepans de carnmeat sandwiches? SocI am vegetariàa vegetarian.
headspeakerAhoh, yes perdóI'm sorry.
headspeakerTenimwe have una pollastre deliciósdelicious chicken.
According to the waiter, their chicken is…
  • …not very tasty.
  • …gluten free.
  • …delicious.
headspeakerEl pollastrechicken ésis carnmeat!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerIand joI no menjodon't eat carnmeat!
headspeakerTambéalso tenimwe have amanidessalads
headspeakerAhoh, m'agradenI like les amanidessalads!
Vikram likes…
  • …the waiter.
  • …salads.
  • …lots of meat.
headspeakerHi hathere is unaa amanidasalad dewith tomàquettomato, formatgecheese iand salmósalmon.
headspeakerJoI nodon't menjoeat salmósalmon! SocI am vegetariàa vegetarian!
headspeakerTenimwe have patates fregidesfries
headspeakerD'acordOK, patates fregidesfries.
What food did Vikram order in the end?
  • fries
  • chicken
  • salmon
headspeakerPatates fregidesfries perfecteperfect. Iand unaa hamburguesahamburger?
headspeakerQue(Used for emphasis) no menjoI don't eat carnmeat!
Why is Vikram so upset?
  • He's tired of being a vegetarian.
  • The waiter kept offering him meat.
  • The waiter spilled coffee on him.
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