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speaker朱朱Junior(is) at他的his家裡house​,with莎麗Zari在一起together
headspeakeryou需要need我的my幫助helpto do什麼what
Junior has a Spanish exam tomorrow.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeaker而且and,​Iwantto play電子遊戲video games...
headspeaker...但是butI需要need to學習study
Junior needs to study English, but he really wants to…
  • …take over the world.
  • …play video games.
  • …study history.
headspeaker朱朱Junior,​沒事no problem,​我們we可以can一起together學習study(suggestion marker) 我的My英文English非常(is) verygood
Tap what you hear
headspeaker你的your課本textbook(is) at哪裡where?
headspeakerin我的my書包school baginside
headspeakerthen你的your書包school bag(is) at哪裡where
Where's Junior's school bag?
  • at his school
  • in his room
  • in Zari's living room
headspeaker朱朱Junior 你的your課本textbook(is) notat這裡here,​我們we怎麼樣howcan學習study
headspeakeryougo to我的my學校school(to) get我的my課本textbook
headspeaker同時meanwhile,​I (will)stay在這裡here(to) play,​(and) wait foryou回來(to) return
What does Junior want Zari to do?
  • go get his English book while he plays
  • play video games with him
  • buy him a new backpack
Tap the pairs