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Lo pasapórt
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speakerLothe pasapórtpassport

speakerVikramVikram eiand la seahis mariyawife, PritiPriti, stanare nolat the airpórtairport.
headspeaker¡Aioh, noino! ¿Ondwhere stais lo meumy pasapórtpassport?
headspeaker¡Non stait's not acühere!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerNon stait's not na mea boxain my bag
headspeakerEiand non stait's not nain meamy jaquetajacket.
headspeaker¡Stait's nolin the tacsitaxi!
Vikram thinks his passport is in the taxi.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
speakerVikramVikram cürre aruns to cercar(to) look for lo seuhis tacsitaxi.
headspeaker¡VikVik, nono!
Tap what you hear
speakerPritiPriti cürre presruns after VikramVikram.
headspeaker¡Aioh, noino! ¡Lothe tacsitaxi non stais not acühere!
headspeaker¡Non it's not faiblepossible!
headspeakerLo teuyour paspórtpassport non stais not nolin the tacsitaxi.
headspeakerLothe paspórtpassport stais nain teayour manahand.
Choose the option that means "hand."
paspórt tea .
headspeakerGracitthank you, meumy amórlove.
Where was Vikram's passport?
  • in the taxi
  • at his house
  • in his hand
Tap the pairs