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speakerBuongiornoGood morning!

speakerGiovanni èis aat casahome, conwith suahis mogliewife Chiara.
headspeakerBuongiornoGood morning, Chiara!
headspeakerBuongiornoGood morning, amoremy love!
What does "amore" mean?
  • My love.
  • My colleague.
  • My brother.
headspeakerDov'èWhere is il miomy libro di ingleseEnglish book?
headspeakerScusaExcuse me?
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHo(I) have unan esameEnglish diexam ingleseat the university all'università.
headspeakerHo bisogno(I) need del miomy librobook!
headspeakerChiara, il tuoyour librobook èis quihere, sulon the tavolotable!
headspeakerScusaSorry, amoremy love. Sono(I) am stancatired (f)!
Click on the option meaning "tired."
, . !
headspeakerVuoiDo (you) want una caffècoffee?
headspeakerYes, per favoreplease!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerConWith oor senzawithout lattemilk?
headspeakerSenzaWithout lattemilk, per favoreplease!
headspeakerEcco quiHere it is.
headspeakerGrazieThanks millea lot!
Choose the best answer:
speakerChiara mettesugar lo zuccheroin nelher suocoffee caffè.
  • vuolewants
  • metteputs
  • bevedrinks
speakerChiara bevedrinks il suoher caffècoffee.
headspeakerCosa c'èWhat?
headspeakerÈ(It) is salesalt!
headspeakerNon è(It) is not zuccherosugar!
headspeakerChiara, non sei(you) are not stancatired (f), sei(you) are moltovery stancatired (f)!
headspeakerYes, ho bisogno di(I) need piùmore caffècoffee……​ conwith lo zuccherosugar, nonnot conwith il salesalt!
What happened to Chiara?
  • She drank coffee with milk.
  • She spilled coffee on her book.
  • She put salt in her coffee.
Tap the pairs