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Jaunais skolnieks
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speakerJaunaisthe new skolnieksstudent

speakerZāraZari unand LillijaLily irare on autobusāthe bus.
headspeakerLillijLily, irthere is jaunsa new skolnieksstudent mūsu klasēin our class!
Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerViņahis vārdsname iris MigelsMiguel.(vārdu
headspeakeryes, viņšhe iris nofrom MeksikasMexico!
headspeakerViņahis tēvsfather rakstawrites grāmatasbooks!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerĻotivery interesantiinteresting.
headspeakerViņšhe runāspeaks (in the) spāņuSpanish, angļuEnglish, portugāļuPortuguese unand latviešuLatvian valodālanguages!
headspeakerĀoh, viņšhe iris gudrssmart.
headspeakerGudrsSmart unand garštall. Unand viņamhe irhas ļotivery skaistaspretty
How does Zāra describe Migels?
  • He's short and blond.
  • He's handsome and loud.
  • He's intelligent and tall.
headspeakerHaha haha, viņamhe irhas?
headspeakerMmmhmm ļotivery skaistaspretty kurpesshoes.
headspeakerZāraZari, MigelsMiguel iris aizbehind tevisyou.
Choose the option that means "behind."
, tevis.
headspeakerSveikshello, MigelMiguel!
headspeakerSveikahello, LillijaLily! tev iethow are you?
headspeakerLabigood, paldiesthank you.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerMigelMiguel, šīthis iris manamy draudzenefriend, ZāraZari.
headspeakerViņaishe patīklikes tavasyour kurpesshoes.
headspeakerĀoh, mmmhmm, sveikshello MigelMiguel.
Zāra didn't realize that…
  • …Migel's shoes were so ugly.
  • …Migel was sitting behind her.
  • …her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs