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It Paspoart
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speakerItThe Paspoartpassport

speakerLieuweLieuwe enand synhis frouwife MarritMarrit binneare (plural) op it fleanfjildat the airport.
headspeakerOhOh, neeno! WêrWhere isis mynmy paspoartpassport?
headspeakerIt isIt's hjirhere netnot.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerIt is net yn myn tas…
headspeakerEnAnd it isit's netnot ynin mynmy jasjacket.
headspeakerIt isIt's ynin dethe taksytaxi!
Lieuwe thinks his passport is in the taxi.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
speakerLieuweLieuwe draaftruns om(to) synhis taksytaxi te sykjento look for.
headspeakerLieuweLieuwe, neeno!
Tap what you hear
speakerMarritMarrit draaft efterruns after LieuweLieuwe oan(on).
headspeakerOhOh, neeno! DeThe taksytaxi isis hjirhere netnot!
headspeakerDat kin netIt's not possible!
headspeakerDynYour paspoartpassport isis netnot ynin dethe taksytaxi.
headspeakerItThe paspoartpassport isis ynin dynyour hânhand.
Choose the option that means "hand."
paspoart dyn .
headspeakerTankjewolThank you, leavelove.
Where was Lieuwe's passport?
  • in the taxi
  • at his house
  • in his hand
Tap the pairs