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speaker维克拉姆Vikram正在is in厨房里(the) kitchen泡茶brewing tea
speaker他的his老婆wife,⁠普丽提Priti,⁠走进enters房间(the) kitchen
headspeaker早上好good morning,⁠亲爱的Dear
headspeaker等一下wait a moment,⁠you为什么why还在are still at家里home?⁠今天todayis星期二Tuesday
headspeakerI今天todaydon't工作work,⁠休息rest一天a day
Priti took the day off.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerI很激动am excited!⁠I想要wantto do很多a lot of事情things
speaker普丽提Pritigoes to健身房(the) gym
Priti went to…
  • …a gym and a museum.
  • …work.
  • …a museum and a movie.
speakerwhenshe回家comes back home的时候the time,⁠普丽提Priti在花园里in the garden看书reads a book
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerhey,⁠亲爱的Dear,⁠you今天today过得很开心enjoyed(question marker)
headspeaker还好(it was) OK,⁠但是but...咱们let's现在nowmake晚饭dinner(suggestion particle)
headspeakerum,⁠晚饭dinner?⁠但是but现在now(it's) only下午两点two o'clock in the afternoon
headspeakersigh,⁠现在now(it's) still这么soearly!⁠Istill可以cando什么what
headspeakeryou可以can坐下sit,⁠放松relax一下a bit
speaker普丽提Priti坐了sits down几分钟(for) a few minutes
Choose the option that means "sits down."
headspeakerIdon't喜欢like放松to relax,⁠太无聊了(it's) too boring。⁠I'm要去going to上班work
Why did Priti decide to go to work after all?
  • She didn't want to make dinner.
  • She remembered she had a lot to do.
  • She gets bored when she rests.
Tap the pairs