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Valet hjå Junior
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speakerValet hjå JuniorJunior's decision

speakerDetit eris dugurdlunch time at skulen hjå JuniorJunior's school.
headspeakerGodgood morning morgonPer, PerI! Egam ervery veldighungry svolten.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHallohello, JuniorJunior. I dagtoday har mewe have kyllingchicken.
headspeakerOgand medwith kyllingenthe chicken
headspeaker kan duyou can eta(to) eat eina salatsalad elleror pommes-fritesfries.
Junior can get either salad or fries with the chicken.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerEgI vil hawant pommes-fritesfries ogand salat(a) salad!
headspeakerDuyou kancan berreonly eta(to) eat éinone avof deithem, JuniorJunior.
headspeakerGreitwell, egI elskarlove pommes-fritesfries
headspeakerOgand det kjem til å vertait's going to be eina veldigvery langlong dagday...
headspeaker menbut salatsalad eris sunnarehealthier.
Choose the option that means "healthier."
headspeakerPommes-fritesfries elleror salatsalad Hømmhmm
headspeakerGreitOK, egI vil hawant pommes-fritesfries Neino! Salatsalad! Neino!
headspeakerÅoh, eg veit ikkjeI don't know!
Poor Junior! What problem does he have?
  • He ate too many fries.
  • He wants ice cream in his salad.
  • He can't choose between a salad and fries.
headspeakerÅoh! Jayes, PerPer?
headspeakerHerher! pommes-fritesfries ogand salat(a) salad forfor degyou!
What did Per tell Junior to do?
  • Go somewhere else to eat.
  • Take both the fries and the salad.
  • Imagine that fries are salad.
Tap the pairs