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speaker服务员(the) waiter是对的is right

speaker小贝Beaand她的her朋友friend泰德Tedare一家餐厅ata restaurant
headspeakerI非常(am) very饿hungry
headspeaker这里的this place's清蒸鱼steamed fishis很美味的very delicious!​you应该need to试试try (it)(suggestion particle)
Bea and Ted are going fishing.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speaker一个a服务员waiter来到arrives at他们的their桌旁table
headspeaker晚上好good evening!​你们you想要would like(to) eat什么what
headspeakerI想要would like一份a serving of清蒸鱼steamed fish​,谢谢thanks
headspeakerIalso想要would like一份a serving of清蒸鱼steamed fish
headspeaker好的OK,​然后then你们you想要would like(to) drink什么what
Tap what you hear
headspeaker配着matched with我们的our清蒸鱼steamed fish很美味的(it's) very delicious
Select the missing phrase
headspeaker但是but,​有一点儿(it's) a littleexpensive
headspeaker没问题no problem,​pleasegive我们us一瓶one bottle of特别的special葡萄酒wine
speaker服务员(the) waiter拿来brings两份two servings of清蒸鱼steamed fish,​and一瓶one bottle of葡萄酒wine
speakerhe(does to)(the) wine倒进pours into两个two杯子glassesinside,​to give to小贝Beaand泰德Ted
headspeakerwow,​(the) fish看起来looks很好吃delicious
Bea thinks that the fish looks…
  • …delicious.
  • …frozen.
  • …terrible.
headspeaker(the) winealso看起来looks很好喝delicious
speaker泰德Ted 不小心not careful (does to) 他的his wine 洒出来spills on 小贝的Bea's 盘子里plate
Choose the option that means "spills."
泰德 他的 小贝的
headspeaker哎呀oh no,​你的yourfish
speaker小贝Bea继续continues吃着to eat她的herfish
headspeaker服务员(the) waiteris对的right(exclamation)
headspeaker这款this葡萄酒wine配着matched with清蒸鱼(the) steamed fish很美味的(is) delicious
Why is the waiter right?
  • Ted is a boring date.
  • The wine is delicious with the fish.
  • The restaurant is very cheap.
Tap the pairs