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Berre éin ting
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speakerBerreonly éinone tingthing

speakerLucyLucy eris heimeat home medwith barnebarnetgranddaughter sitther (neuter), LinLin.
headspeakerÅneioh no! EgI trengneed brødbread tilfor smørbrødetsandwich mittmy (neuter)!
headspeakerSkal du are you going to butikkenthe store?
Lin and Lucy have a lot of bread.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerÅhoh! EgI trengneed berreonly éinone (masculine) tingthing fråfrom butikkenthe store!
headspeakerÉinone (masculine) tomattomato
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerDetit eris tilfor salaten minmy salad.
headspeakerTusen takkthank you very much!
headspeakerÅhoh! Og soand also treng egI need trethree epleapples
Choose the option that means "I need."
Åh! Og so
headspeaker ogand appelsinjuiceorange juice
headspeaker ogand mjølkmilk, ver so snillplease.
headspeakerHmmhmm EgI harhave einan (masculine) idéidea.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerHerhere eris penganethe money, LinLin.
headspeakerEgI trengwant berreonly éinone (masculine) tingthing fråfrom butikkenthe store: brødbread.
Why did Lucy give Lin money?
  • Lin is opening a sandwich shop.
  • She wants Lin to go to the supermarket.
  • Lin is going to a restaurant for lunch.
Tap the pairs