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speakerРесторанthe restaurant

speakerАлинаAlina is вin новомa new ресторанеrestaurant.
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headspeakerЗдравствуйтеhello! Чтоwhat Выdo you хотитеwant заказатьto order?
headspeakerЯI хотела быwould like стаканa glass водыof water иand салатa salad, пожалуйстаplease.
headspeakerХорошоOK! Стаканa glass водыof water иand картофельный салатa potato salad.
What comes next?
headspeakerНетNo, яI неdon't хочуwant картофельный салатpotato.salad
Tap what you hear
headspeakerА...Ah Ладно...Well Вамyou нравятсяlike супыsoups ?
headspeakerДаyes! ЯI люблюlove супыsoups! У вас естьdo you have томатныйtomato супsoup?
How does Alina feel about soup?
  • She never eats it.
  • She likes it.
  • She hates it.
headspeakerНетNo, ноbut у нас естьwe have картофельныйpotato супsoup.
headspeakerУ вас естьDo you have бутербродыsandwiches?
headspeakerУ нас естьwe have картофельныеpotato бутербродыsandwiches!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerЕстьdo you have лиsomething уwithout васpotatoes что-нибудь без картофеля?
headspeakerЧто это за ресторан такойWhat is this restaurant?!
headspeakerРесторанthe restaurant называетсяis called "Картофель'The Potato'".
What happened in the story?
  • Alina ate all the potato dishes.
  • Alina went to a restaurant that only served potato dishes.
  • The waitress kicked Alina out of the restaurant.
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