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Pelayannya Benar!
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speakerPelayannyathe waiter Benar(is) right!

speakerBea danand temanfriendnyaher, Anton, sedang beradaare diat rumah makanrestaurant.
headspeakerLapar(I am) hungry bangetvery!
headspeakerIkanfish di sinihere katanyait's said that... enakdelicious, lo(emphasis)!
Bea and Anton are going fishing.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speakerSeoranga pelayanwaiter menghampiriapproaches mejatable merekatheir.
headspeakerSelamat malamgood night. Mauwant pesan(to) order apawhat?
headspeakerIkannyathe fish duatwo ya, Mas(sir).
headspeakerBaikokay. Minumnyathe drink apawhat?
headspeakerKamiwe punyahave menumenu jusjuice istimewaspecial.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerCocoksuitable diminumto be drank denganwith menu ikannyathe fish menu.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerAgaka bit mahalexpensive sihthough
headspeakerBoleh dehokay then (you may), Mas(sir). Jusnyathe juice duatwo jugaalso, ya.
headspeakerBaikokay! Mohonplease tungguwait sebentara moment.
speakerPelayanwaiter ituthat kemudianthen datangcomes kembaliback membawacarrying ikanfish danand jusjuice.
headspeakerWahwhoa, kelihatannyait looks enakdelicious!
Bea thinks that the fish looks…
  • …delicious.
  • …frozen.
  • …terrible.
headspeakerIyayes (indeed), kanisn't it?
speakerAnton tidak sengajaaccidentally menumpahkanspills jusjuicenyahis keon piringplate Bea.
ChooseChoose theel optionoption thatthat meansMeans "spills."
jus|nya Bea.
headspeakerEh, ikanfishmuyour!
speakerBea punthen makaneats.
headspeakerWahwhoa, pelayannyathe waiter benaris right!
headspeakerJusjuice inithis cocok sekaliperfect denganwith ikannyathe fish!
Why is the waiter right?
  • Anton is a boring date.
  • The juice is perfect with the fish.
  • The restaurant is very cheap.
Tap the pairs