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Más espaciu
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speakerMásmore espaciuspace

speakerSerxuSerxu, un amigu de XuniorJunior's friend, fala coltalks to the so papáhis dad.
headspeakerYoI necesitoneed una trabayujob, paDad.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSerxuSerxu, you tienes ocho añosare eight years old.
headspeakerNun necesitesyou don't need una trabayujob.
headspeakerNóswe necesitamosneed másmore perresmoney.
headspeakerTenemoswe have perresmoney, SerxuSerxu.
headspeakerNecesitamoswe need másmore perresmoney pa mercarin order to buy unaa casa nuevanew house.
headspeakerEstathis casahouse yeis demasiáutoo piquiñasmall.
Choose the option that means "small."
ye .
headspeaker¡SerxuSerxu! ¡Estathis casahouse nun yeis not piquiñasmall!
headspeakerYand necesitamoswe need una coche nuevunew car.
headspeaker¿Por quéwhy?
headspeakerPorquebecause yeit's demasiáutoo piquiñusmall.
headspeakerNecesitamoswe need másmore espaciuspace.
What does Sergio mean?
  • His shoes are too small.
  • The family needs a bigger space.
  • He wants to travel far away.
headspeaker¿Másmore espaciuspace?
headspeaker¡Necesitamoswe need espaciuspace pa'lfor the ñácarubaby, paDad!
Choose the option that means "baby."
¡Necesitamos espaciu , !
headspeaker¿Quéwhat ñácarubaby?
headspeakerEl nuevu ñácaru de mamom's new baby.
headspeaker¿Mamom?! ¡¿Una ñácarubaby?!
headspeaker¿Tas bienare you OK, paDad?
headspeaker¡Necesitamoswe need unaa casa nuevanew house yand una coche nuevunew car!
headspeakerYand yes, ¡necesitamoswe need munchumuch másmore espaciuspace!
What did Sergio tell his father?
  • He is going to quit school.
  • His mother is having a baby.
  • He bought a new house.
Tap the pairs