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speaker朱朱Junior在玩is playing电子游戏video games
headspeaker朱朱Junior,​you想要want锻炼身体to exercise(question marker)
headspeaker不要no (I don't want)。​I想要wantto play电子游戏video games
Junior wants to exercise.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
speaker艾迪Eddy想了thinks一分钟for a minute
headspeakeryou想要wantto go to电子游戏(the) video game商店store(question marker)
headspeakeryes (I want)!​yes (I want)
headspeakeryoucanfrom卧室里(the) bedroom拿来get我的my钱包wallet(question marker)
What's next?
speaker朱朱Junior跑到runs to卧室(the) bedroom,​拿来gets(his) dad's
  • 爸爸的(his) dad's钱包wallet
  • 他的his电子游戏video games
  • 锻炼的exercise工具tools
speaker爸爸的(his) dad's钱包wallet
headspeaker爸爸dad,​这给你here you go
headspeaker还有and,​youcanfrom厨房里(the) kitchen拿来get我的my钥匙keys(question marker)
Choose the option that means "keys."
speaker朱朱Junior跑到runs to厨房(the) kitchen,​拿来gets爸爸的(his) dad's钥匙keys
headspeaker现在now可以(we) can走了go already(question marker)
headspeakerit(is) at维克拉姆叔叔的Uncle Vikram's公寓里apartment
headspeaker但是but维克拉姆叔叔Uncle Vikramliveson四楼(the) fourth floor
Which floor does Vikram live on?
  • the first floor
  • the fourth floor
  • the eight floor
headspeakeryou可以can做到的do it
speaker朱朱Juniorthen离开leaves。​he回来returns带着carrying他爸爸的his dad's夾克jacket
Junior leaves and then he comes back with…
  • …Eddy's jacket.
  • …Eddy's chair.
  • …a frog.
headspeaker但是butI现在now好累了(am) so tired
headspeaker为什么why?​太多too much锻炼exercise(question marker)
  • …tricked Junior into getting some exercise.
  • …gave Vikram his jacket.
  • …played video games with Junior.
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