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speaker艾迪Eddyand朱朱Junior正在are at公园里the park吃东西eating
Junior and Eddy are eating in a restaurant.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeaker朱朱Junior,​养狗taking care of a dog不是is not容易的easy
headspeakerdogs需要need每天everyday散步to walk
headspeakerI喜欢like散步to walk
According to Eddy, dogs need…
  • …to wear warm clothes in the winter.
  • …to walk and have toys.
  • …to talk and drink a lot of water.
headspeaker而且and,​狗的食物dog food很贵is expensive
headspeakerthe dog可以caneat我的my食物food
Choose the option that means "can."
headspeaker朱朱Junior,​你的your汉堡hamburger在哪里(is) where
headspeaker还有and你的your薯条fries在哪里(are) where
speaker艾迪Eddy看到sees一只adog在桌子下面under the table
headspeaker朱朱Junior!​为什么why桌子下面under the tablethere is一只adog
What does Eddy see under the table?
  • a cat
  • a pizza
  • a dog
headspeakerit喜欢likesme!​I每天everyday看到see这只thisdog在公园里at the park
Tap what you hear
headspeakerit在吃is eating你的your汉堡burgerand薯条fries(question marker)
headspeaker是的yes!​爸爸dad,​养狗taking care of a dog很容易is easy
Why does Junior think taking care of dogs is easy?
  • He's giving a dog his own food.
  • He already has many pet dogs at home.
  • He watches a lot of videos about dogs.
Tap the pairs