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speakerVikramVikram menjengukvisit nenekgrandmanyahis diat rumah sakit(the) hospital.
headspeakerPagimorning, Nekgrandmother!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSudahalready baikan(informal) better?
headspeakerKamarroom inithis menyedihkansaddening, tidak ada(there is) no warnanyaits color.
headspeakerDi luaroutside cerahbright sekalivery hari initoday. Nenek(grandma) I inginwant to jalan-jalantake a walk di luaroutside.
Choose the option that means "take a walk."
Di luar cerah sekali . Nenek ingin .
headspeakerTapibut Nenek(grandma) I masihstill tidak kuatnot strong (enough) berjalan(to) walk.
headspeakerMaafI'm sorry, Nekgrandma.
headspeakerNenek(grandma) I rindumiss berkebungardening di depanin front of rumahhouse
headspeakerAh! AkuI punyahave ideidea.
headspeakerTungguwait sebentara bit ya, Nekgrandma!
It seems like Vikram…
  • …has an idea to make his grandma feel better.
  • …decided to go to a party.
  • …realized he needs to take a shower.
speakerSeperempata quarter jamhour kemudianlater
speakerVikram masukenters keto kamarroom membawacarrying duatwo tanamanplants besarbig.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerInithese darifrom rumahhouse Nenek(grandma's) your.
headspeakerAdathere is jugaalso bunga-bungaflowers darifrom halaman rumah(house) garden Nenekgrandma('s).
headspeakerTanamanplant(s) danand bungaflower(s)kumy!
headspeakerSekarangnow tamangarden Nenek(grandma's) your adais di sinihere!
headspeakerTerima kasihthank you banyaka lot, Vikram!
How sweet! Vikram…
  • …brought his grandma plants and flowers from her garden.
  • …took his grandma back to her house.
  • …bought his grandma a flower necklace.
Tap the pairs