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Vaatteita Lomalleni
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speakerVaatteita Lomalleniclothes for my vacation

speakerLucyLucy onis kauppallaat a store.
headspeakerTervehello. Tarvitsetkodo you need apuahelp?
headspeakerKylläyes. TarvitsenI need vaatteita lomalleniclothes for my vacation.
Lucy is shopping for clothes for a vacation.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerTarvitsenI need mekkoaa dress.
speakerLilyLily etsiiis looking for vihreää mekkoaa green dress.
Lily is looking for a…
  • …green dress.
  • …red dress.
  • …green hat.
headspeaker...Eino. HaluanI want punainen mekkoaa red dress.
speakerLilyLily etsiiis looking for punaisen dress
headspeakerJaand haluanI want takina jacket.
Tap what you hear
speakerLilyLily etsiiis Looking for punaisen takina red jacket.
headspeakerEino, haluanI want ruskean takina brown jacket.
headspeakerPunainen mekkoa, ruskea takkired dress...a
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerJaand a hat hattu!
speakerLilyLily etsiilooks for sinisen hat
headspeakerEino. HaluanI want harmaan hatuna gray hat!
speakerLilyLily etsiilooks for harmaan hatuna.gray hat
headspeakerKiitosthank you! OlenI am valmisready lomallenifor my vacation.
Choose the option meaning "ready."
! .
headspeakerNytnow minäkinI too tarvitsenneed lomapäiväna vacation.
Poor Lily! Why does she need a vacation?
  • She ate too much for lunch.
  • She's tired after helping Lucy find clothes.
  • She wants to buy new clothes to wear.
Tap the pairs