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Pakaian Lili
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speakerPakaian LiliLili's Clothes

speakerZari sedangis diat rumah LiliLili's house. Diashe sedang melihat-lihatis looking around at pakaian LiliLili's clothes.
Zari is looking at Lili's homework.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerWowwow! Baju ungumu banyak bangetyou have so many purple clothes.
headspeakerMemangindeed. Warna kesukaankumy favorite color (is) ungupurple.
What is Lili's favorite color?
  • red
  • purple
  • brown
headspeakerLimafive kausT-shirts inithese ungu semuaall purple?
headspeakerIyayes. Mantelku juga ada limaI also have five coats. Ungu semuaall is purple.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerKamuyou punyahave empatfour topi ungupurple hats jugatoo?
headspeakerYayes, akuI butuhneed topi-topi ituthose hats.
headspeakerNgomong-ngomonganyway/by the way, akuI punyahave got sesuatusomething buatfor kamuyou.
Choose the option that means "something".
Ngomong-ngomong, .
speakerZari mengeluarkantakes out sebuaha (pair of) kacamata merahred sunglasses darifrom tasnyaher bag.
headspeakerInithis is buatfor kamuyou. AkuI belibought it darifrom toko kesukaankumy favorite store.
Zari gives Lili a pair of red sunglasses…
  • …that she designed.
  • …that she found in the trash.
  • …from her favorite store.
headspeakerEh... makasihthanks.
headspeakerTuh kansee?? Warna merahred cocok bangetsuits you well.
headspeakerToko itudoes that store jualsell kacamata yang warna ungupurple sunglasses enggakor not ya(particle to indicate doubt)?
Lili likes the sunglasses but…
  • …she'd prefer them in purple.
  • …they're way too purple.
  • …they're too expensive.
Tap the pairs