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En dejt
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speakerEna dejtdate

speakerBeaBea äris on ena dejtdate in ena restaurangrestaurant.
headspeakerHejhello! Hur mår duhow are you?
headspeakerVadwhat vill du hado you want att ätato eat?
headspeakerEna salladsalad.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerI dagtoday harhave jagI en viktig matchan important game.
headspeakerÅhoh, gillar dudo you like idrottsports?
headspeakerJayes, jagI spelarplay fotbollsoccer.
Bea is ordering a salad because…
  • …she is playing soccer today.
  • …her date said the salad is delicious.
  • …she just ate a whole pizza.
headspeakerJag ocksåme too!
headspeakerVar kommer du ifrånwhere are you from?
headspeakerJag ärI am svenskswedish.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerMin farmy father kommer ifrån Indienis from India ochand min mormy mother kommer från Mexikois from Mexico.
headspeakerJagI älskarlove Indienindia!
headspeakerIndienIndia äris väldigtvery vackertbeautiful.
headspeakerHar dudo you have husdjurpets?
headspeakerJagI harhave tvåtwo kattercats ochand ena hunddog.
headspeakerJagI har ocksåalso have ena hunddog, JosefJoseph.
Choose the option that means "also."
Jag en , .
headspeakerEheh? Jag hetermy name is DanielDaniel
headspeakerÄr du intearen't you GabriellaGabriella?
headspeakerJag hetermy name is BeaBea!
Did you catch that? Bea and Daniel…
  • …bought tickets to India.
  • …were supposed to meet different people.
  • …are walking their dogs.
speakerEna kvinnawoman gårwalks mottowards DanielDaniel
headspeakerHallåhello! Är duare you DanielDaniel? Jag ärI am GabriellaGabriella.
headspeakerNejno, förlåtI'm sorry. JagI äram JosefJoseph.
Whoa! What just happened?
  • Bea changed her name to Gabriella.
  • Daniel lied to his real date because he likes Bea.
  • Bea and Daniel's dogs played soccer.
Tap the pairs