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Ropa de Lily
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speakerRopa de LilyLily's clothes

speakerZariZari eis enat domo de LilyLily's house. Sishe i miralooks at a ropa de LilyLily's clothes.
Zari is looking at Lily's homework.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerTuyou i avehave aa muilot of o lilapurple ropaclothes.
headspeakerLilapurple ais mimy favofavorite kolocolor.
What is Lily's favorite color?
  • red
  • purple
  • brown
headspeakerTuyou i neseneed a pentafive o lilapurple kamisashirts?
headspeakerJayes, anand pentafive o lilapurple jaketacoats.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerAnand fofour lilapurple topihats?
headspeakerJayes, miI i neseneed a mimy topihats.
headspeakerMi i aveI have a kosasomething gofor tuyou.
Choose the option that means "something."
speakerZariZari i avehas aa ruja sole-lensepair of red sunglasses.
headspeakerSithey eare gofor tuyou. Sithey eare defrom mimy favofavorite botegastore.
Zari gives Lily a pair of red sunglasses…
  • …that she designed.
  • …that she found in the trash.
  • …from her favorite store.
headspeakerAeh Dankethank you.
headspeakerRujathe color red eis bonperfect gofor tuyou.
headspeakerAnand botegathe store i avehas a lilapurple sole-lensesunglasses?
Lily likes the sunglasses but…
  • …she'd prefer them in purple.
  • …they're way too purple.
  • …they're too expensive.
Tap the pairs