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Dokter Edi
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speakerDokterdoctor Edi

speakerEdi sedangis berbelanjashopping diat supermarketsupermarket.
speakerSeoranga wanitawoman memanggilcallsnyahim.
A woman talks to Eddy at the supermarket.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerPermisiexcuse me!
headspeakerIyayes, kenapawhat is it?
headspeakerBapakyou (sir) dokter(a) doctor bukanor not?
headspeakerSayame? Dokter(a) doctor? Hmm
headspeakerYayes. SayaI (am) dokter(a) doctor.
headspeakerOh, syukurlahthank goodness!
speakerEdi bukanis not doktera doctor.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerUangmoney sayamy banyaka lot.
headspeakerRumahhouse sayamy sangatbig besarvery.
headspeakerSayaI jugaalso punyahave celanapants mahalexpensive.
headspeakerOkeOk, tapibut
headspeakerAda yangsomeone butuhneeds doktera doctor. Sekarangnow!
headspeakerDi situthere, dekatnear lorongaisle buah-buahanfruits!
headspeakerTolongplease help, Dokdoc! Sepertinyait looks like diahe (is) gawatin an emergency!
The man who needs help is near the…
  • …station.
  • …fruits.
  • …milk.
headspeakerDiahe sangatvery kesakitanin pain!
Choose the option that means "in pain".
headspeakerOh, tidakno!
speakerEdi melihatsees seoranga wanitawoman lainanother danand berbicaratalks kepadatonyaher.
headspeakerMaafsorry. Ibuyou (ma'am) doktera doctor bukanor not?
What happened in the story?
  • Edi started med school to become a doctor.
  • Edi pretended to be a doctor to impress a woman.
  • Edi saved a man at the supermarket.
Tap the pairs