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speakerVikramVikram anand sihis tovariwife, PritiPriti, aare enat aero-potaairport.
headspeakerOoh, nono! MiMy pasa-potapassport eis en kewhere?
headspeakerE noit's not dihere.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerSiit eis nonot en mi sakoin my bag
headspeakerAnand e noit's not enin mimy jaketajacket.
headspeakerEit's enin karocar (taxi)!
Vikram thinks his passport is in the taxi.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
speakerVikramVikram i kuriruns deteki(to) find a sihis karocar (taxi)..
headspeakerVikVik, nono!
Tap what you hear
speakerPritiPriti i kuri goruns after VikramVikram.
headspeakerOoh, nono! Karocar (taxi) e nois not dihere!
headspeakerE noit's not verepossible!
headspeakerTuyour pasa-potapassport e nois not enin karocar (taxi).
headspeakerPasa-potapassport eis enin tuyour manohand.
Choose the option that means "hand."
Pasa-pota tu .
headspeakerDankethank you, mimy amolove.
Where was Vikram's passport?
  • in the taxi
  • at his house
  • in his hand
Tap the pairs