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A decisão de Junior
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A decisão de JuniorJunior's decision

Éit's hora de almoçolunch time naat escola do JuniorJunior's school.
headBom diagood morning, SenhoraMrs. PérezPérez. Tenho muita fomeI'm very hungry...
Select the missing phrase
headOláhello, JuniorJunior. Hoje temos frangotoday we have chicken.
headEand comwith othe frangochicken?
head podes comeryou can eat umaa saladasalad ouor batatas-fritasfries.
Junior can get either salad or fries with the chicken.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
Tap what you hear
headQueroI want batatas fritasfries eand salada(a) salad!
head podes comeryou can eat uma das duas coisasonly one of the two things, JuniorJunior.
headBemwell, eu adoroI love batatas fritasfries.
headEand vai serit's going to be uma dia muito longovery long day.
headMasbut a saladasalad éis mais saudávelhealthier.
Choose the option that means "healthier."
headBatatas fritasfries ouor saladasalad? Mmmhmm
headEstá bemOK, queroI want batatas fritasfries Nãono! Saladasalad! Nãono!
headAhoh, não seiI don't know...
Poor Junior! What problem does he have?
  • He ate too many fries.
  • He wants ice cream in his salad.
  • He can't choose between a salad and fries.
headAHoh! Simyes, SenhoraMrs. PérezPérez?
headTomahere you go! Batatas fritasfries eand salada(a) salad parafor tiyou.
What did Mrs. Pérez tell Junior to do?
  • Go somewhere else to eat.
  • Take both the fries and the salad.
  • Imagine that fries are salad.
Tap the pairs