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Tekenen in het Park
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speakerTekenendrawing inin hetthe Parkpark

speakerGuusGus gaatgoes elkeevery dagday metwith zijnhis honddog naarto hetthe parkpark. ()(takes his dog to the park every day)
speakerEnand elkeevery dagday ziet hijhe sees LilyLily tekenendrawing inin hetthe parkpark.
speakerOp een dagone day besluit hijhe decides to, een praatje te makento have a chat metwith haarher.
headspeakerGoedemorgenGood morning!
headspeakerOoh, hallohello.
headspeakerMagcan ikI je iets vragenask you a question?
What comes next?
headspeakerIkI ziesee jeyou elke dag tekenendrawing every day.
  • dethe bomentrees
  • dethe eendenducks
  • elkeevery dagday
headspeakerWatwhat teken jedo you draw?
headspeakerVan allesmany things!
headspeakerIkI tekendraw dingenthings diethat ikI find interessantinteresting ofor mooipretty vind(find).
headspeakerHeelvery goedwell.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerWatwhat teken jeare you drawing nunow?
headspeakerDatThat is's geheima secret.
Gus wants to know why…
  • …there are so many people in the park.
  • …Lily is drawing with her teeth.
  • …Lily doesn't want to say what she is drawing.
headspeakerUyou komtcome elke dag(every day) naarto hetthe parkpark every day.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerJeyou tekentare drawing mijme, dusright?
headspeakerWatHow leuklovely, ik vind jou ook leukI like you too.
headspeakereuhoh... Neeno, Ik teken niet uI'm not drawing you.
headspeakerIkI teken'm drawing uwyour honddog. Hijit is's ergvery mooipretty. Kijk maarJust look!
Gus thought…
  • …Lily had magical powers.
  • …his dog ran away.
  • …Lily was drawing a picture of him.
Tap the pairs