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Het Proefwerk Engels
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speakerHetthe Proefwerk EngelsEnglish test

speakerJuniorJunior isis inat zijnhis huishouse metwith ZariZari.
headspeakerZariZari, ikI heb je hulpneed your help nodig(heb * nodig = need * )!
headspeakerJeyou hebtneed mijnmy hulphelp? nodig(hebt * nodig = need * )?
headspeakerJayes, ikI hebhave eena heelvery belangrijkimportant proefwerk EngelsEnglish test.
Junior has a Dutch test soon.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerEnand ikI wilwant gamento play a video game.
headspeakermaarbut... ikI moethave to studerenstudy.
Junior needs to study English, but he really wants to…
  • …take over the world.
  • …play a video game.
  • …study history.
headspeakerLatenlet we's samen studerenstudy together! IkI spreekspeak heel goed EngelsEnglish very well.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerWaarwhere heb jedo you have je boekyour book?
headspeakerInin mijnmy rugzakbackpack.
headspeakerEnand... waarwhere isis jeyour rugzakbackpack?
headspeakerOpat schoolschool.
Where's Junior's backpack?
  • at his school
  • in his room
  • in Zari's living room
headspeakerJuniorJunior? Hoehow kunnencan wewe studerenstudy zonderwithout jeyour boekbook?
headspeakerNouWell,, jijyou gaatgo naarto schoolschool omto fetch mijnmy boekbook op te halen(to fetch),
headspeakerTerwijlWhile ikI... hier thuis gameplay here at home.
What does Junior want Zari to do?
  • go get his English book while he plays video games
  • play video games with him
  • buy him a new backpack
Tap the pairs