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Benden Ayrılmak mı İstiyorsun?
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speakerBendenfrom me Ayrılmakto break up (question particle) İstiyorsunyou want?

speakerLucyLucy dışarı çıkmak içinto go out hazırlanıyoris preparing. Torunuher granddaughter LinLin, televizyonTV izliyoris watching.
headspeakerSalih'lewith Salih iyi eğlencelerhave fun!
headspeakerEğlencelifun olmayacakit's not going to be, ondanfrom him ayrılacağımI'm going to break up.
Lucy is going to ask Salih to marry her.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAmabut nedenwhy? Hepalways birliktesinizyou're together!
headspeakerSorunthe problem o(is) that!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHer günevery day benimlewith me dışarı çıkmakto go out istiyorhe wants, amabut benI kendimeto myself detoo zamantime istiyorumI want.
speakerLucyLucy restorandaat the restaurant erkek arkadaşıher boyfriend Salih'iSalih görürsees.
headspeakerMerhabahello, aşkımmy love.
headspeakerKonuşmamızthat we talk gerek(is) necessary.
What does Lucy need to talk about?
  • She has some good jokes to tell.
  • She wants to break up with Salih.
  • She just watched a cool movie.
headspeakerTamamOK, amabut öncefirst sanato you bir şeysomething söylememthat I say lazım (is) needed Sendenof you çoka lot hoşlanıyorumI'm fond of.
headspeakerBenI dealso sendenof you çoka lot hoşlanıyorumam fond of.
headspeakerAma but Ayrılmamızthat we break up lazım(is) necessary.
Whoa! Lucy wanted to break up with Salih, but
  • Salih didn't come to the restaurant.
  • Salih is breaking up with her.
  • Salih is too shy to confront her.
headspeakerBendenfrom me ayrılmakto break up (question particle) istiyorsunyou want?
headspeakerİşwork içinfor Balıkesir'eto Balıkesir gitmemthat I go lazım (is) necessary
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerVeand seniyou yıldain a year sadeceonly birkaç keza couple times görebileceğimI will be able to see.
headspeakerButhis harikais perfect!
headspeakerÖyle miis that so?
headspeakerEvetyes, kendimmyself içinfor daha fazlamore zamanato time ihtiyacım olduğu içinbecause of my need sendenfrom you ayrılmakto break up istiyordumI was wanting.
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headspeakerAmabut buthis bir soruna problem olmayacakwon't be!
headspeakerYani so Ayrılmayacak mıyızare we not going to break up?
headspeakerHayırno! Ne zamanwhen gidiyorsunyou are going?
headspeakerCumartesi günüon Saturday.
headspeakerGüzelgreat, seniyou havaalanınato the airport götürebilirimI can take!
Why are Lucy and Salih staying together after all?
  • Salih is moving to Balıkesir.
  • Salih can't stop crying.
  • Lucy wants to be with Salih every day.
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