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Yeni Yıl, Yeni Bea
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speakerYeninew Yılyear, Yeninew BeaBea

speakerBeaBea veand LinLin bira yılbaşıNew Year's partisindelerthey are at (a) party.
headspeakerDaha fazlamore şarapwine istiyor musundo you want?
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headspeakerTamamokay, amabut geleceknext yılyear şarapwine içmeyidrinking bırakacağımI will quit.
headspeakerÖyle mireally?
headspeakerEvetyes, veand televizyonTV izlemeyiwatching dealso bırakacağımI will quit.
headspeakerHerevery günday yogayoga yapacağımI am going to do veand daha fazlamore kişiylepeople çıkacağımI am going to date!
headspeakerYeninew yılyear, yeninew BeaBea!
Hmmm… why did Bea just say that?
  • She wants Lin to think she's very young.
  • She met someone else named Bea.
  • She wants to make a lot of changes in her life.
headspeakerPeki then birliktetogether daha azless zamantime geçireceğizwe will spend .
headspeakerNedenwhy bunuthis söylüyorsunare you saying?
headspeakerTelevizyonTV izlemeyiwatching seviyorumI love veand yogayoga yapmaktanfrom doing nefret ediyorumI hate.
headspeakerNedenwhy buthese işlerinthings' değişmesinin(their) changing gerektiğiniis needed anlamadımI do not understand.
headspeakerLinLin, amabut yine de still
Tap what you hear bir yerin yanından geçmek
speakerYakışıklıhandsome bir adama guy onlarıntheir yanından geçerhe passes by.
headspeakerNedenwhy gidipgo and onunlawith him konuşmuyorsundon't you talk? Daha fazlamore kişiylepeople çıkmakto date istiyorsunyou want, değil midon't you?
speakerLinLin ayrılırleaves.
Lin walked away because
  • she wants to eat a plate of cheese.
  • she wants to take a yoga class.
  • she thinks Bea should talk to the attractive guy.
headspeakerSelamhello, bir şeysomething içmekto drink ister misinwould you like?
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headspeakerHayır no Arkadaşımmy friend Lin'lewith Lin daha fazla zamanmore time geçirmekto spend istiyorumI want.
speakerBeaBea, Lin'lewith Lin konuşmayato talk gidergoes.
headspeakerLinLin, değişmekto change istemiyorumI don't want!
headspeakerGeçen yıllast year harikaydıwas great, çoka lot eğlendikwe had fun!
headspeakerBu iyithis is good çünkübecause televizyonTV izlemeyenwho does not watch biriylewith someone arkadaş olamamI cannot be friends!
Bea thought she wanted to change, but
  • she decided that she never has fun with Lin.
  • she was too afraid to talk to the attractive guy.
  • she realized that things were actually great last year.
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