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Eski Sevgili
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speakerEski Sevgilithe ex girlfriend

speakerLinLin, arkadaşı Bea'ylawith her friend Bea süpermarkettedirshe is at the supermarket.
headspeakerAhoh, baklook! Buit Gamzeis Gamze!
headspeakerGamze kimwho is Gamze?
headspeakerEski sevgilimmy ex girlfriend.
Lin used to date Gamze.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerKırmızı gömleklired shirted olanthe one that is (question word)?
headspeakerOshe çok uzunmuşis very tall!
headspeakerÇalışmakto work içinin order to başkaanother bir şehreto a city gitmiştishe went.
headspeakerEn sonthe last (time) beşfive yılyear önceago konuşmuştukwe talked.
headspeakerOnunlawith her konuşmakto talk istiyor musundo you want?
headspeakerBilmiyorum I don't know
headspeakerSanırımI think benime hatırlamıyorshe doesn't remember.
Lin thinks Gamze won't remember her because
  • Gamze has a very bad memory.
  • they haven't talked in years.
  • Lin used a fake name when they dated.
headspeakerOnunlawith her konuşmakto talk istediğinithat you want biliyorumI know. Hadicome on!
headspeakerNe heyecanlıhow exciting!
headspeakerHımm hmm TamamOK. Onato her el sallayacağımI'm going to wave.
speakerLinLin kadınato the woman el sallarwaves.
Choose the option that means "waves"
headspeakerSeniyou gördüshe saw!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerVeand buraya doğrutowards here geliyorshe's coming!
headspeakerYapma yaoh no.
headspeakerOthat GamzeGamze değilis not.
headspeakerEmin misinare you sure?
headspeakerEvetyes, eminimI'm sure! Buthis oher değilis not
What comes next?
headspeakerEheh, merhabahello. Banato me el salladığınızıthat you waved gördümI saw.
  • Benimlewith me alışveriş yaptığınızıthat you were shopping
  • Benimlewith me çalıştığınızıyou worked
  • Banato me el salladığınızıthat you waved
headspeakerTanışıyor muyuzdo we know each other?
headspeakerHayırno, amabut neredenfrom where gözlükglasses alabileceğimiziwe can buy biliyor musunuzdo you know?
headspeakerArkadaşımmy friend çokvery iyiwell göremiyorshe can't see!
Why does Bea say Lin needs glasses?
  • Lin's glasses are really ugly.
  • Lin thought a stranger was her ex-girlfriend.
  • The woman stepped on Lin's glasses.
Tap the pairs