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Um bilhete para Lisboa
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speakerUmone bilheteticket parato LisboaLisbon

speakerJuniorJunior estáis noat the aeroportoairport.
speakerElehe fala com aspeaks to the mulherwoman na caixaat the counter.
headspeakerPosso ajudar-lheI can help you com algowith something?
headspeakerQueroI want umone bilheteticket parato LisboaLisbon.
Junior wants to travel to Porto.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerOndewhere estão os teus paisare your parents?
headspeakerPerdãoexcuse me? Não tenho sete anosI am not seven years old.
headspeakerEand, quantos anos tenshow old are you?
headspeakerTenho oito anosI am eight years old.
headspeakerUma bilheteticket parato LisboaLisbon custacosts quatrocentosfour hundred dólaresdollars.
Choose the option that means "four hundred."
Um para custa .
headspeakerEstá bemOK. Onde posso irwhere can I go comwith trezethirteen dólaresdollars?
speakerEddyEddy, o pai do JuniorJunior's dad correruns para ato the caixacounter.
headspeakerJuniorJunior! Aquihere estásyou are. O que estás a fazerwhat are you doing noat the aeroportoairport?
headspeakerHojetoday tenhoI have uma exame de matemáticamath exam. PrecisoI need de sairto get out doof the paíscountry.
Ah ha! Why does Junior want to leave the country?
  • He wants to see the world.
  • He has a math test today.
  • He misses his friends.
headspeakerOkOK, quanto custahow much is othe bilheteticket?
headspeakerQuatrocentosfour hundred dólaresdollars.
headspeakerEand quanto custahow much are doistwo(tickets)?
headspeakerOitocentoseight hundred dólaresdollars.
headspeakerMuitovery bemgood, ésyou are muitovery bomgood aat matemáticamath.
headspeakerEstásyou are prontoready parafor o teu exameyour exam.
Eddy tricked Junior to show him that…
  • …he is ready for his math test.
  • …they should travel more.
  • …the tickets are very cheap.
Tap the pairs