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Un abric nou
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speakerUna abric nounew coat

speakerVikramVikram ésis ain unaa botigastore.
speakerUnaa donawoman parla ambtalks to ellhim.
headspeakerBon diagood morning!
headspeakerBon diagood morning.
headspeakerVostè treballado you work aquíhere?
A woman asks Vikram if he works at the store.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerPerfecteperfect! NecessitoI need ajudahelp.
Choose the option that means "help."
! .
headspeakerNecessitoI need una abric nounew coat.
headspeakerLi agradado you like el vermellthe red one?
The woman asks Vikram if he…
  • …wants better wages.
  • …likes working at the store.
  • …likes the red coat.
  • …likes the coat she wears.
  • …likes the music at the store.
headspeakerVostèyou (formal)
headspeakerOor li agrada mésdo you prefer el marróthe brown one?
headspeakerL'abric marróthe brown coat ésis còmodecomfortable iand baratcheap.
headspeakerPeròbut el vermellthe red one ésis moltvery bonicpretty.
headspeakerIand ésit's elegantelegant!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerÉsit's perfecteperfect perfor vostèyou!
headspeakerEstà OK. VullI want l'abric vermellthe red coat!
headspeakerGràciesthank you! Vostèyou ésare moltvery bogood enat la sevayour feinajob!
What does the woman mean?
  • She thinks Vikram should get a new job.
  • She thinks Vikram should get a job in this shop
  • She thinks Vikram is good at his job.
  • She thinks the red coat is ugly.
  • She is happy.
headspeakerIand perin order to pagar(to) pay?
headspeakerNo ho (I) don't know.
headspeakerNo treballo(I) don't work aquíhere.
What happened in the story?
  • A woman gave Vikram a job at the store.
  • A woman thought Vikram worked at the store.
  • A woman helped Vikram buy a new hat.
  • A woman bought a brown coat.
Tap the pairs