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Siz Meral Değilsiniz
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speakerSizyou MeralMeral Değilsinizyou are not

speakerJuniorJunior okuldan sonraafter school eveto home geri gelircomes back.
speakerSalondain (the) living room bira kadınwoman vardırthere is.
Junior sees a bear in his living room.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerAhoh! Sizyou MeralMeral değilsinizyou are not!
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerHayır no BenI Pınar(am) Pınar. Babanlawith your dad çıkıyorum I am dating
headspeakerBenI Junior(am) Junior!
headspeakerSelamhello, JuniorJunior. Babanyour dad banyoda(is) in the bathroom.
headspeakerVe and MeralMeral sık sıkoften burada is she here?
headspeakerEvetyes! Herevery günday.
headspeakerHerevery günday (question word)?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerBabammy dad veand MeralMeral her sabahevery morning konuşurtalk.
headspeakerSabahin the morning buradais (she) here?
headspeakerMeralMeral hakkındaabout daha fazla şeymore things öğrenmekto learn isterim I want
Click on the option meaning "to learn."
headspeakerYaniwell, Meral'denMeral hoşlanırım I like
headspeaker amabut oshe çok konuşurtalks too much. Yine deeven still babammy dad onuher çok seviyorloves a lot!
headspeakerOnuher seviyor mudoes he love?
headspeakerSenin babanınyour dad ikitwo kız arkadaşıgirlfriends olamazcannot have!
speakerPınarPınar ayrılırleaves. EddyEddy banyodanfrom the bathroom çıkarexits.
Why did Pınar leave?
  • She had to use the bathroom.
  • Junior kicked her out.
  • She thinks Eddy has two girlfriends.
headspeakerPınarPınar neredewhere is (she)?
headspeakerMeralMeral Pınar'ın hoşuna gitmedidid not please Pınar.
headspeakerYok yaoh no!
headspeakerHayırno! PınarPınar! MeralMeral papağanımız(is) our parrot!
headspeakerDoğrutrue! Güle gülebye, PınarPınar!
Did you catch that? Who's Meral?
  • Eddy's daughter
  • Eddy's girlfriend
  • Junior and Eddy's parrot
Tap the pairs