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speakerEddyEddy idziegoes doto klasy OskaraOscar's class.
headspeakerCześćhello. Czy(question marker) mogęI can wejśćcome in?
headspeakerMuszęI have to nauczyć(to) teach mojąmy klasę sztukiart class zain pięćfive minutminutes..
Oscar has to teach an art class in two hours.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerAlebut jestemI am znudzonybored.
Select the missing phrase
headspeakerAand.. tyyou nie masz klasydon't have a class?
headspeakerNieno. Czy(question marker) mogęI can ciyou wwith czymśsomething pomóc(to) help?
Tap what you hear
headspeakerDlategobecause, żeyou are jesteśmy moimbest najlepszymfriend przyjacielem.
headspeakerOoh, takyes?
headspeakerhmmhmm MyślęI think, żethat możeszyou can mime pomóc(to) help.
headspeakerDobrzeOK, przyjacielufriend!
headspeakerMożeszyou can usiąść(to) sit naon tymthis krześlechair?
speakerEddyEddy siedzisits down iand patrzylooks naat OskaraOscar.
Choose the option that means "sits down."
i .
headspeakerIand możeszyou can być(to) be spokojnycalm?
headspeakerMojamy klasaclass jestis zain minutęminute iand potrzebujęI need modelamodel.
headspeakerModelemodels niedon't mówiątalk.
headspeakerAlebut tothis jestis nudneboring.
Why is Eddy still bored?
  • Oscar won't stop talking about work.
  • He doesn't like to read about art.
  • Oscar wants him to sit in a chair and be quiet.
Tap the pairs