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tenpo tawa olin
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speakertenpo tawa olinhoneymoon

speakerjan AnaAna li lon(is) in tomo tawa jeloa taxi.
headspeakertokihello, tenpo suno pona agood morning!
Select the missing word
headspeakertokihello, miI wileneed to tawago to ma pi tawa konairport.
headspeakernithis li tenpo ala tenpo musiis it a vacation?
headspeakerni li tenpo musi alait's not a vacation...
Tap what you hear
headspeakermiI jo ehave lipu wanone ticket tan ni:because of this mi tawaI go to ma tomo MateliMadrid.
headspeakerawell... liputickets tutwo.
headspeakerma tomo Mateli li pona mute tawa miI love Madrid!! onait li pona lukin mute(is) beautiful!
headspeakerniit's li tenpo olinhoneymoon mimy.
Why is Ana going to Madrid?
  • She's going on her honeymoon.
  • She is learning how to dance flamenco.
  • She is getting married there.
headspeakeraoh. mijehusband sinayour li lon ma seme(is) where?
headspeakermi jo alaI don't have e mijea husband. mi joI have e meli pi wile ikea difficult wife!
headspeakeronashe li wile aladoesn't want to tawago to ma tomo MateliMadrid lon poka miwith me.
Oh no! Ana's wife…
  • …forgot to pack her sunscreen.
  • …is already in Madrid.
  • …doesn't want to go to Madrid with her.
headspeakermi pilin ike muteI am very sad.
headspeakeraoh mi pilin ikeI'm sorry.
headspeakerawell tasobut nithis li ma pi tawa kon(is) the airport.
speakermelia woman li jo e pokiwith a suitcase li tawaruns towards the tomo tawa jelotaxi.
Choose the option meaning "runs."
headspeakerjan SalamaSalma o?
headspeakerjan AnaAna o!
headspeakermi pilin ike muteI'm so sorry!
headspeakermi olin e sinaI love you!
headspeakermi olin e sinaI love you kintoo!
headspeakermi o tawalet's go to ma tomo MateliMadrid!
headspeakero musihave fun lonon tawa olin sinayour honeymoon!
What will happen next?
  • Ana will start her new job at the airport.
  • Ana and the taxi driver will go to Madrid together.
  • Ana and her wife, Salma, will go to Madrid together.
Tap the pairs