ZariZari veand LilyLily otobüstelerthey are on (the) bus.
LilyLily, sınıfımızdain our class yeni bir öğrencia new student varthere is!Zari tells Lily that there's a new teacher at their school.
No, that's wrong.
Yes, that's right.

OnunHis adıname Mete(is) Mete.
MeteMete mi(question particle)?
Evetyes, ohe Alman(is) German.
Babasıhis father kitapbook yazıyorhe writes!Select the missing phrase

Çokvery ilginçinteresting.
Ohe TürkçeTurkish, AlmancaGerman veand İngilizceEnglish biliyorhe knows.
Ahoh, veand zekiintelligent
Zekiintelligent, uzuntall veand çokvery şirin cute...How does Zari describe Mete?
He's short and blond.
He's handsome and loud.
He's intelligent and tall.

Hahahaha, evetyes?
Hımm hmm… Çokvery şirincute ayakkabılarıshoes varhe has.
ZariZari, MeteMete arkandabehind you duruyor(is) standing.Choose the option that means "behind you."
, .

Merhabahello, MeteMete.
Merhabahello LilyLily, nasılsınhow are you?
İyiyimI'm fine, sağ olthank you.
MeteMete, buthis benimmy arkadaşım(is) my friend ZariZari.
ZariZari, ayakkabılarınıyour shoes beğenmişshe liked.
Ahoh. Merhabahello, MeteMete.Zari didn't realize that…
…Mete's shoes were so ugly.
…Mete was sitting behind her.
…her homework was due today.
Tap the pairs