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Roupas para as minhas férias
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speakerRoupasclothes parafor as minhasmy fériasvacation

A LucyLucy estáis numaat a lojastore.
headOláhello, precisa deyou need ajudahelp?
headSimyes, eu preciso deI need roupasclothes parafor as minhasmy fériasvacation.
Lucy is shopping for clothes for a vacation.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headEstá bemOK.
headPreciso deI need uma vestidodress.
A LiliLily procuralooks for uma vestido verdegreen dress.
Lily is getting a…
  • …green dress.
  • …red dress.
  • …green hat.
headNãono, euI querowant uma vestido vermelhored dress!
A LiliLily procuralooks for uma vestido vermelhored dress.
headEand queroI want umaa jaquetajacket.
Tap what you hear
A LiliLily procuralooks for umaa jaqueta vermelhared jacket.
headNãono, euI querowant umaa jaqueta castanhabrown jacket!
headEstá bemOK
headUma vestido vermelhored dress, umaa jaqueta castanhabrown jacket
Select the missing phrase
headE um chapéuand a hat!
A LiliLily procuralooks for uma chapéu azulblue hat.
headNãono, euI querowant uma chapéu cinzentogray hat!
A LiliLily procuralooks for uma chapéu cinzentogray hat.
headObrigadathank you! EstouI am prontaready parafor as minhasmy fériasvacation!
Choose the option meaning "ready."
! as minhas férias!
headAgoranow preciso deI need férias(a) vacation.
Poor Lily! Why does she need a vacation?
  • She ate too much for lunch.
  • She's tired after helping Lucy find clothes.
  • She wants to buy new clothes to wear.
Tap the pairs