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En kaffe, tak!
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speakerEnA kaffecoffee, takplease!

speakerEddyEddy eris at restauranta restaurant medwith sin sønhis son, JuniorJunior.
headspeakerHejHello, EddyEddy. Vil du haveDo you want kaffea coffee?
The woman asks Eddy if he wants a coffee.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerJaYes, en stor kopa big cup kaffeof coffee, takplease.
headspeakerMedWith elleror udenwithout mælkmilk?
headspeakerMedWith mælkmilk, takplease.
headspeakerOgAnd medwith elleror udenwithout sukkersugar?
headspeakerMedWith sukkersugar, takplease.
headspeakerJeg vil også haveI also want en kopa cup kaffeof coffee!
Junior says that he…
  • …wants coffee too.
  • …wants to go home.
  • …needs to go to the bathroom.
headspeakerJuniorJunior, vil du gerne havewould you like(polite) kaffecoffee?
headspeakerJaYes, jeg vil haveI want ena kopcup medwith mælkmilk
headspeakerOgAnd medwith sukkersugar
headspeakerOgAnd medwith isice cream!
What does Junior want in his coffee?
  • more coffee
  • ice cream
  • a salad and fries
headspeakerMedWith isice cream?
headspeakerJaYes, ogand udenwithout kaffecoffee, takplease!
headspeakerÅhOh duyou vil gerne havewant(polite) ena milkshakemilkshake?
Choose the option that means "milkshake."
en ?
headspeakerJaYes, takplease!
Tap what you hear
headspeakerJegI vil også gerne havealso want(polite) ena milkshakemilkshake!
headspeakerToTwo milkshakesmilkshakes, takplease!
Oh, Junior! He ordered coffee…
  • …but Eddy drank it all.
  • …because he wanted to have more energy.
  • …but he really wanted a milkshake.
Tap the pairs