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Bună dimineața!
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speakerBună dimineațagood morning!

headspeakerBună dimineațagood morning, RitaRita!
headspeakerBună dimineațagood morning, iubirea meamy love.
headspeakerUndewhere suntare cheile melemy keys?
headspeakerCheile taleyour keys?
Rita can't find her keys.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerDayes, trebuieI need mergto go lato muncăwork.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerAmI need nevoiethe keys deof cheilemy decar la mașină!
headspeakerHaha haha, RitaRita! Cheile taleyour keys suntare aicihere, peon masă(the) table. Haha haha haha!
headspeakerScuzesorry, iubirea meamy love, suntI am obositătired. MuncescI work multa lot!
Choose the option that means "tired."
, iubirea mea, . mult!
headspeakerVreido you want cafeacoffee?
headspeakerDayes, te rogplease!
headspeakerPoftimhere it is, iubirea meamy love.
headspeakerUndewhere esteis zahărulthe sugar? Ahoh, aicihere eit is(e=este).
Hmm… what is Rita doing?
  • pouring her coffee on the table
  • putting sugar on her keys
  • looking for some sugar for her coffee
speakerEashe beadrinks cafeaua eiher coffee.
headspeakerOhoh, nuno!
headspeakerAiathat(feminine) eis saresalt!
headspeakerRitaRita, eștiyou are foartevery obositătired!
headspeakerDayes, am nevoie deI need mai multămore cafeacoffee... Cuwith zahărsugar, nunot cuwith saresalt!
Rita was so tired that…
  • …she fell asleep in the kitchen.
  • …she put salt in her coffee.
  • …she put her keys in her coffee.
Tap the pairs