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Dzień dobry
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speakerDzień dobrygood morning

headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning, PritiPriti!
headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning, Kochaniemy love.
headspeakerGdziewhere are mojemy kluczekeys?
headspeakerTwojeyour kluczekeys?
Priti can't find her keys.
  • Yes, that's right.
  • No, that's wrong.
headspeakerTakyes, muszęI need jechaćto go doto pracywork.
Tap what you hear
headspeakerPotrzebujęI need kluczykeys doof mojegomy autacar!
headspeakerHaha, haha! PritiPriti, twojeyour kluczekeys are tutajhere naon stoletable! Haha, haha, haha!
headspeakerPrzepraszamsorry, Kochaniemy love, jestemI am zmęczonatired. Dużo pracujęI work a lot!
Choose the option that means "tired."
, Kochanie, . !
headspeakerChceszdo you want kawęcoffee?
headspeakerTakyes, proszęplease!
headspeakerProszęhere it is, Kochaniemy love.
headspeakerGdziewhere jestis cukiersugar? Ooh, tuhere jestit is.
Hmm… what is Priti doing?
  • pouring her coffee on the table
  • putting sugar on her keys
  • looking for some sugar for her coffee
speakerOnashe pijedrinks swojąher kawęcoffee.
headspeakerOoh, nieno!
headspeakerTo sólthis is salt!
headspeakerPritiPriti, jesteśyou are bardzovery zmęczonatired!
headspeakerTakyes, PotrzebujęI need więcejmore kawycoffee, alebut zwith cukremsugar, aand nienot zwith soląsalt!
Priti was so tired that…
  • …she fell asleep in the kitchen.
  • …she put salt in her coffee.
  • …she put her keys in her coffee.
Tap the pairs