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speakerWegetarianinthe vegetarian

speakerVikramVikram czytareads menuthe menu win bardzovery ładnejpretty restauracjirestaurant.
headspeakerDzień dobrygood morning!
headspeakerMamI have pytaniea question.
headspeakerJestemI am wegetarianinema vegetarian.
headspeakerCzydo macieyou have wegetariańskievegetarian jedzeniefood?
Vikram wants to know if they serve vegetarian food.
  • No, that's wrong.
  • Yes, that's right.
headspeakerTakyes, mamywe have bardzovery dobregood kanapki z mięsemmeat sandwiches.
headspeakerKanapki z mięsemmeat sandwiches? JestemI am wegetarianinema vegetarian.
headspeakerAhoh, Takyes, przepraszamI'm sorry.
headspeakerMamywe have bardzovery smacznetasty kurczakichicken.
According to the waiter, their chicken is…
  • …organic.
  • …gluten free.
  • …delicious.
headspeakerKurczakchicken tois mięsomeat.
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headspeakerIand jaI niedon't jemeat mięsameat!
headspeakerMamywe have sałatkisalads
headspeakerAhoh, jaI lubięlike sałatkisalads!
Vikram likes…
  • …the waiter.
  • …salads.
  • …lots of meat.
headspeakerOferujemywe offer sałatkęa salad zwith pomidoremtomato, seremcheese, łososiemsalmon
headspeakerJaI niedon't jemeat łososiasalmon! JaI jestemam wegetarianinema vegetarian!
headspeakerMamywe have frytkifries
headspeakerDobrzeOK, frytkifries.
What food did Vikram order in the end?
  • fries
  • nothing
  • salmon
headspeakerFrytkifries idealnieperfect. Iand hamburgera?hamburger
headspeakerJaI niedon't jemeat mięsameat!
Why is Vikram so upset?
  • He's tired of being a vegetarian.
  • The waiter kept offering him meat.
  • His food came late.
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